Axel Press
Independent Publishing House in New York
All About the Books.
“And so,” the story writers used to say, “they lived happily ever after.” Um-m-m—maybe. After the glamour had worn off, and the glass slippers were worn out, did the Prince never find Cinderella’s manner redolent of the kitchen hearth; and was it never necessary that he remind her to be more...The story was written on April 19, 1894, and first published in Vogue on December 6, 1894, under the title “The Dream of an Hour,” one of nineteen Kate Chopin stories that Vogue published. “In the mid - to late 1890s, Vogue was the place where Chopin published her most daring and...One of the most famous artists in history, Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) was also a man with another powerful passion—for books. An insatiable reader, Van Gogh spent his life hungrily consuming as many books as he could. He read, reread, and copied out books in Dutch, English, and French. He...When a French actress becomes an English governess, things go awry. Obviously. Before Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy (yes, I am talking about Little Women by Louisa May Alcott), there was Jean Muir - a professional French actress turned English governess, a main character of Alcott’s novella Behind a..."A Kidnapped Santa Claus" is a Christmas-themed short story by American writer L. Frank Baum; it has been called "one of Baum's most beautiful stories" and constitutes an influential contribution to the mythology of Christmas. "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" was first published in the December 1904...Only seven years had passed since the Wright brothers' illustrious maiden flight, and the early aviation frenzy has begun. Teenagers Peggy Prescott and her brother Roy share a love of aviation that they inherited from their late father. Mr. Prescott had always dreamed of building...December 18, 2022“Hurrah! Hurrah! Here I am again, sang the Christmas Sprite. He shook himself all, for he’d been fast asleep all the year, and he polished up his pretty wings until they shone. Then away into the snowy world he flew, peeping down the chimneys, peering through the windows, and laughing and...April 14, 2022“Pre nás, náš dom nebol neživý objekt - mal srdce, dušu i oči, ktorými sa na nás pozeral. Bol našou súčasťou. Žili sme pod jeho ochranou a v pohode jeho dobrodenia. Vždy, keď sme sa vrátili domov po dlhšej dobe, jeho tvár sa rozžiarila a vrúcne nás privítal - a my sme nemohli vstúpiť doň bez...Laugh-out-loud historical novel for teenage girls is a diary of Eliza Jane Smith. She lives in the US in the 19th Century and has one “little” problem - she can’t follow the rules. Fully aware of that, she admits: “I am not a good girl, never was, and never will be. I can’t follow the rules,...February 19, 2022Neviem ako vy, ale ja milujem Hemingwaya. A New York. Hemingway však New York v láske príliš nemal, a tak som sa za ním vybrala na Key West, ostrov ktorý je super, aj keď máte Hemingwaya totálne v paži. Miniatúrny ostrov o rozlohe 6 km na dĺžku a 2 km na šírku sa nachádza na samom juhu Floridy....More PostsAxel Press TV
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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. is a 2023 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film written and directed by Kelly Fremon Craig, based on the 1970 novel of the same name by Judy Blume..
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