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BEHIND A MASK by Louisa M. Alcott (E-book)
$3.99Jean Muir is an unsuccessful actress whose stage career in France is effectively over because she has reached the wizened old age of 30 – which is considered “over the hill” by Victorian standards. She decides to salvage her situation by applying for the position of governess with the upper-class Coventry family in England.
BEHIND A MASK is a delightfully twisted tale starring a governess who weaponizes sexism so effectively that nobody guesses her true aim.
The novella was originally published in 1866 under the pseudonym A. M. Barnard. Many literary critics have taken interest in the novella because its material was controversial for its time, and Behind a Mask is considered Alcott’s masterpiece in the genre of sensation fiction.Coming soonThe Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship by Margaret Burnham (Book I.)
$10.95Only seven years had passed since the Wright brothers' illustrious maiden flight, and the early aviation frenzy has begun. Teenagers Peggy Prescott and her brother Roy share a love of aviation that they inherited from their late father. Mr. Prescott had always dreamed of building an aeroplane that would be free of the defects of planes already invented. Peggy and Roy manage to build a plane starting with the framework their father had begun. Peggy christens it ‘The Golden Butterfly’ and she and Roy are determined to enter it in a young aviator’s contest for a prize of $5000. The Prescotts need the money desperately to save the home they share with their aunt which is about to be taken from them by the rather nasty banker, Mr. Harding. Peggy and Roy along with their best friends, Jess and Jimsy Bancroft – also sister and brother, experience many adventures – many of them while flying the Golden Butterfly. A kidnapping, missing jewels and contact with some desperate characters are just some of what the Prescotts encounter in their Long Island village.
Product details:
Publisher: Axel Press
Language: English
Paperback: 127 pages
ISBN: 979-8-98-662733-5
Dimensions: 5x8 inchesView more details...QuantityComing soonThe Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship (Book II.) by Margaret Burnham
$10.95Only seven years had passed since the Wright brothers' illustrious maiden flight, and the early aviation frenzy has begun. Teenagers Peggy Prescott and her brother Roy share a love of aviation that they inherited from their late father. Mr. Prescott had always dreamed of building an aeroplane that would be free of the defects of planes already invented. Peggy and Roy manage to build a plane starting with the framework their father had begun. Peggy christens it ‘The Golden Butterfly’ and she and Roy are determined to enter it in a young aviator’s contest for a prize of $5000. The Prescotts need the money desperately to save the home they share with their aunt which is about to be taken from them by the rather nasty banker, Mr. Harding. Peggy and Roy along with their best friends, Jess and Jimsy Bancroft – also sister and brother, experience many adventures – many of them while flying the Golden Butterfly. A kidnapping, missing jewels and contact with some desperate characters are just some of what the Prescotts encounter in their Long Island village.
Product details:
Publisher: Axel Press
Language: English
Paperback: 120 pages
Dimensions: 5x8 inchesQuantityComing soonThe Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship by Margaret Burnham (Print)
$15.00Book I. and II. for a special low promotional price $15.00 for limited time.QuantityComing soonLouisa M. Alcott: BEHIND A MASK
$10.95Before Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy (yes, I am talking about Little Women by Louisa May Alcott), there was Jean Muir - a professional French actress turned governess, a main character of Alcott’s novella Behind a mask.
BEHIND A MASK is a delightfully twisted tale starring a governess who weaponizes sexism so effectively that nobody guesses her true aim.
Originally published in 1866 under the pseudonym A. M. Barnard. Many literary critics have taken interest in the novella because its material was controversial for its time, and Behind a Mask is considered Alcott’s masterpiece in the genre of sensation fiction.
Product details:
Publisher: Axel Press
Language: English
Paperback: 140 pages
ISBN: 979-8-98-662735-9
Dimensions: 5x8 inchesQuantityComing soonBrownie in Christmas Land (E-book)
$3.95A beautiful, timeless Christmas story about a little Brownie and his adventures in Christmas Land.
‘Brownie in Christmas Land’ by Marian Jack was originally published by Frederick Warne and Company in London in 1922.Coming soonBrownie in Christmas Land (Print)
$10.95A beautiful, timeless Christmas story about a little Brownie and his adventures in Christmas Land.
‘Brownie in Christmas Land’ by Marian Jack was originally published by Frederick Warne and Company. in London exactly 100 years ago (1922).
Pre-order now to receive the book before the New Year.
Shipping within the US $ 2.99.
Book details:
Pages: 54
ISBN: 979-8-9866273-2-8
Published by Axel Press.
Printed in the US in December 2022QuantityComing soonE.E.Bower: Bad Girl's Diary (Print)
$10.95Laugh-out-loud historical novel for teenage girls is a diary of Eliza Jane Smith. She lives in the US in the 19th Century and has one “little” problem - she can’t follow the rules. Fully aware of that, she admits:
“I am not a good girl, never was, and never will be. I can’t follow the rules, and there is no point in trying.”
Her behavior drives crazy her parents, her teachers, and basically everyone around her. But is she really as bad as she seems to be?
The book follows Eliza’s journey from the time when she was a little girl to the graduation, and finding her first job.
Product details:
Primary Category: Children Books
Additional Categories: Literature & Fiction Books, History Books
Dimensions: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
Number of Pages: 110
ISBN: 979-8-98-662730-4
Publish Date: August 1, 2022
Language: EnglishQuantityComing soonE.E.Bower: Bad Girl's Diary (E-book)
$3.95Laughing-out-loud historical novel for teenage girls is actually a diary of Eliza Jane Smith. She lives in the USA in 19th century and has one “little” problem - she can’t follow the rules. Fully aware of that, she admits:
“I am not a good girl, never was, and never will be. I can’t follow the rules, and there is no point in trying.”Coming soonE.E.Bower: Denník zlého dievčaťa
$10.95Kniha Denník zlého dievčaťa je historický román z 19. storočia pre tínedžerky.
Hlavná hrdinka románu Eliza Jane Smithová má na svoju dobu veľmi netradičné názory a správanie, ktoré privádza do zúfalstva jej rodičov a celé okolie. Oddychové čítanie s rýchlym spádom zaručuje výbuchy smiechu, ale aj pozastavenia sa a zamyslenie sa nad tým, ako je možné, že táto kniha bola pôvodne vydaná v roku 1884 v Chicagu.QuantityComing soonE.E.Bower: Denník zlého dievčaťa (E-kniha)
$5.95Humorný historický román pre dospievajúce dievčatá.
Eliza Jane Smithová nie je dobré dievča. Sama to veľmi dobre vie a otvorene priznáva: “Ja nedokážem dodržiavať pravidlá slušného správania a už ani nemá význam sa o to pokúšať. Učivo do školy viem po prvom prečítaní, a ak by som potom nevyviedla nejakú neplechu, roztrhlo by ma.”
Eliza svojím správaním privádza do zúfalstva svoju rodinu, učiteľov a celé okolie, ale naozaj je taká zlá, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá? Posúďte sami.Coming soon
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